Being a programmer vs. a software developer
17 Dec 2021
All of my programming projects and skills before ICS 314 were restricted to one language or framework per project. This is great for people developing novice skills in computer science, but this is only the beginning of a software developer’s...
Software Development
A programmer's toolbox
07 Oct 2021
When learning a new programming language, the software one develops is usually very basic and does not use all the capabilities of the language. Most coding languages follow the same logical framework, so jumping into software development is relatively straightforward....
The complexity of catching cybercriminals
30 Sep 2021
Table of Contents I. Introduction II. An Analysis of Australian Privacy Principles - A. Cross-Border Disclosure Requirements - B. Requirements for Getting Consent to Access Private Data - C. Storing PII Data in Australia III. Conclusion References   I. Introduction...
Digital Forensics
Inspiration or breach of copyright?
26 Sep 2021
Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Creative Commons - A. Licenses and Copyright - B. Public Domain - C. Fair Use III. The Case Study - A. Determining damages based on license type - B. Claiming fair use - C....
Creative Commons
Why coding standards are essential
23 Sep 2021
Whenever one learns a new coding language, it is not enough to simply learn the syntax of the language, but one must also learn the coding standards of the language. Many people who are new to developing and programming usually...
How to overcome problems effectively
09 Sep 2021
Learning any new skill, or becoming a master at the craft, is always enjoyable, but can be quite intimidating (if it is unenjoyable, maybe it is not worth investing your precious time. However, take value in the things you have...
Problem Solving
From Java and C++ to Javascript
01 Sep 2021
My programing language background My first introduction to Javascript was in January of 2021, as my father had the O’Reilly textbook, Learning PHP, MySQL, & Javascript, however I only briefly read over the Javascript section. At the time, I was...
Programing Languages
What is a computer?
28 Aug 2021
Table of Contents I. Introduction II. What is a Computer? - A. History of Modern Computers - B. Hardware - C. Software - D. Modern Computers and Security III. Conclusion Appendices Footnotes Literature Review References   Abstract— Everyone living in...